Exchange Grant Applications & Quarterly Reporting

Cooperative Agreement to Support Establishment of State-Operated Health Insurance Exchanges

The Cooperative Agreement to Support Establishment of State-Operated Health Insurance Exchanges (Exchange Establishment Grant) provides California with financial assistance for the establishment of a state-operated health benefit exchange.  States may choose whether to apply for a Level One Establishment or Level Two Establishment based on their progress and may choose at what point to apply for grant funding based upon their own needs and planned expenditures. 

Establishment Grant Cooperative Agreement offer (PDF) - released by the federal government on January 20, 2011

California Level II (2.0) Supplemental Grant Application

California Level II (2.0) Establishment Grant Application

California Level I (1.2) Establishment Grant Application

California Level I Establishment Grant Application

California Level I Establishment Grant Quarterly Reports

State Planning and Establishment Grants for the Affordable Care Act’s Exchanges

The State Planning and Establishment Grant for the Affordable Care Act’s Exchanges (Exchange Planning Grant) is a $1 million non-competitive grant provided to states to perform planning activities for the Health Benefit Exchange as defined in Section 1311 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). 

California received a $1 million Exchange Planning Grant on September 29, 2010.  The Solicitation from the federal Government, California's Grant application and quarterly reports can be viewed here.